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Tasty just got a whole lot tasty-er!

Redesigning Tasty by BuzzFeed

About Tasty

The official home of all things Tasty, the world's largest food network. They’re minimalist, highly edited, sped-up cooking tutorials. That’s it. Just really good food made from really simple techniques, cooked down to their simplest form.

The origins of Tasty can be traced back to the first generation of TV chefs. These pioneers turned cooking into a form of entertainment, taking food off the pages of cookbooks and onto our screens. Then came the bloggers, taking our food obsession online.

Heuristic Analysis

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Why redesign?

Tasty’s major market is in the USA, and the recipes are primarily focused for the US audience. India being such a diverse country culinarily, its expansion has potential to receive a lot of traction. It does not cater to user’s dietary restrictions and allergens. Tasty’s integration with Walmart helps users order ingredients online according to their recipe requirements which is impractical for the Indian audience.

Low Fidelity

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This project was done in colaboration with Jinal Patwa

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